University at Albany - SUNY My good old Alma Mater
ES-M Seal ES-M High School
Where I am pursuing a BA in computer science, with a dual minor in business and economics
(and, eventually, a MBA :)

Shakespeare Web

  • The Works
  • Shakespeare's Globe
  • Bugs Bunny - haming it up
    An awsome collection of Looney Tunes

  • Industrial Light and Magic
    (An ideal future employer :)
  • The theater of the mind -
    Old Time Radio
    An Old Time Zenith Radio

  • WRVO
  • The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

    Louvre W3
    Calvin & Hobbes
    Calvin and Hobbes!
    The Mona Lisa
  • Pixar (Another ideal future employer :)
  • A History of Apple Computers
  • Tom's Hardware Guide
  • The Internet Movie Database
  • Wiretap
  • The Musicals Home Page
  • ES-M Stage Crew
  • Visual Kinetic logo
    "Visual Kinetic" and the Visual Kinetic logo are trademarks and service marks of Visual Kinetic, copyright © 1997-98. All rights reserved. | Looney Tunes, characters, names and all related indica are trademarks of Warner Bros., copyright © 1998 | Calvin & Hobbes are trademarks of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate, copyright © 1998 | STAR WARS(R), and associated elements and logos are property of Lucasfilm Ltd. All content (e.g., clips, stills, designs, artwork, etc.) is protected by intellectual property laws and any use other than for private, non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. STAR WARS copyright © 1977, 1998 Lucasfilm Ltd. | Shakespear, Shakespeare's characters, names and all related indica are trademarks of William Shakespeare, copyright © 1616 | The Mona Lisa is the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, copyright © 1500; The Mona Lisa is not intended to represent any persons living or dead except Mona Lisa del Giacondo | The Seven Wonders Of The World (The Pyramids of Egypt, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, The Statue of Zeus, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Colossus of Rhodes, and The Lighthouse of Alexandria) are the works of their respective ancient civilizations.
