|Resources for University at Albany students|

VAX Assistance
To see how much disk space you have free, type:
$ show quota

To change directories, type:
$ set default [.directory_name]

To compress your mail file when you are short of disk space, use the following commands:
$ tdisk
$ define sys$scratch temp:
$ mail
MAIL> compress/output=temp:
MAIL> exit
$ dir temp:                     (to assure yourself that mail.mai is there)
$ set prot mail.mai             (OR  $ set prot [.MAIL]mail.mai  if
                                         subdirectory is used for mail)
$ delete mail.mai;              (OR  $ delete [.MAIL]mail.mai)
$ copy temp:mail.mai mail.mai   (OR  $ copy temp:mail.mai [.MAIL]mail.mai)
(@user510:[a.abca.comfiles]compress.com will perform the above sequence of commands - see below)
To have your VMS electronic mail forwarded to another valid electronic mail address, use a "set forward" command at the MAIL> prompt:
        $ mail
        MAIL> set forward "in%""userid@someotherplace.com"""
Mail forwarding remains in effect until you use the "set noforward" command at the MAIL> prompt.
The setting of file and directory access permissions (protections) are performed with the "set prot" command:

$set prot topsecret.dat /prot=(system:rwed,group:rwed,world:rwed,owner:rwed)

To inform the VMS security system that the WWW server has permission to read from your web directory:

        $ set prot=w:re [.public_html]index.html
        $ set prot=w:re public_html.dir
        $ set prot=w:e [-]your_username.dir 
        $ set prot=w:re [.public_html]moreinfo.html
        $ set prot=w:re [.public_html]somepicture.gif

The information that you see when you type $ show users/full includes a field called the process name. This is a 1 to 15 character name of your choice that is used to uniquely identify your process. (A second run with your userid needs to have a different process name.) By default this name is set equal to your userid. The command to change your process name is:
        $ set process/name="whatever-you-want"

Some commands to add to your "login.com" file:
$     ldir :== directory/size/protection 
$     home :== set default sys$login
$     bin :== set default [.bin]
$ locate :== @user300:[d.dh6375.comfiles]locate.com
$ cls :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]cls.com
$ process :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]process.com
$ cd :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]cd.com
$ compress :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]compress.com
$ cute :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]cutetime.com
$ id :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]id.com
$ mkdir :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]mkdir.com
$ python :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]python.com
$ snoop :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]snoop.com
$ time :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]time.com
$ watch :== @user510:[a.abca.comfiles]watchfor.com

To edit your login.com file, type:
$ pico login.com
When you are done use [CTRL]-X to save and exit (look at the menu at the bottom of the terminal).

To delete the backup copies that the VAX automatically creates, type:

$ purge

|Resources for University at Albany students|
